GBA 2030 +
Ecologies and Projections

TU Delft | Globalization Course | 2020


Divya Gunnam | Zhongjing Zhang
Kinga Murawska | Sanjana Shettigar

Seemingly endless resources are exploited in the process of development drastically changing the existing natural systems. Urbanisation is a complex process that requires social, political and environmental changes. However, these very alterations in return caused high stresses and disturbances in natural and human systems leading to socio-ecological criticalities in the region of GBA.  read more


Jie Chu | Yizhao Du
Paulius Kliučininkas |  Chingfang Wang

Today, the Urbanism revolution is being accelerated by the advance of technologies. The great leap forward in information technology is crating a new alternative, so how? Spatial context and the popularization of smart personal equipment is bringing broader abilities to empower individuals and involve them in a more democratic group decision-making process, just to name an example. more



Elzbieta Maria ZdebelKelvin William Pieter Saunders Chien-Yu Lin | Yun Sun | Yu Liu

During the period of globalization, cities have become places where the government demonstrates its competitive advantages. Besides, human and physical capital gradually gather towards the more competitive urban area. The flows of various materials, through transportation and technological innovation, have brought the major cities closer together, forming a continuous and prosperous metrop/exhibitons/symbioticolis... read more


Bart Sikkens Yaqi Wang
Simon Bohun  | Zahra Agbaria

Today’s globalized economy brings growth of unknown pace to the Greater Bay Area (GBA). Large-scale infrastructures make areas accessible that yet were not part of the urban system. But some people benefit little from the integration. They rather see how their surroundings are being destroyed through large scale infrastructure and urban development. Others are even expelled from their home... read more